كيف خبأت القوات الجوية العراقية ، أحدث طائراتها الميج في الرمال حتي لا يتوصل إليهم الأمريكيين مضت شهور طويلة ، بعد إنتهاء هزيمة العراق ... وأخذ الأمريكيين يبحثوا عن الطائرات المقاتلة الميج الحديثة (طراز 23 و25 وسوخوي غيرهم) ... ومسجوا الصحراء بالصور ... ولكنهم لم يتمكنوا من الوصول إلي المقاتلات أو قاذفات القنابل .. أو الطائرات التي إستولي العراق عليهم من إيران ولكن ... "الرشوة" ... والخيانة .. مكنتهم من معرفة "الوسيلة" ... و "المكان" .... فقامت طائراتهم بمسح جزي بالأشعتة تحت البنفسجية .... وأخبرا وجدوا ما كانوا يبحثون عنه .... لقد فشللت التقنية الأمريكية ، علي مدار الشهور في إكتشاف أسرار حافظ عليها العراقيون ... بينما فشلنا "خلال 1967" في حماية طائراتنا من الهجوم الجوي الإسرائيلي ... كان في إمكانهم "تفجير الطائرات" .. وحرقها ... أو "تــركهـــا" والهروب ... كما فعل غيرهم ... ولكنهم لجأوا إلي الحيلة والطبيعة

 a u.s. Military search team calls in heavy equipment after discovering a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, buried beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.

a u.s. Military search team begins digging after discovering a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, buried beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.
 a u.s. Military search team examines a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, that lay buried beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.

the nose of a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, emerges from beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.
 u.s. Forces use heavy equipment to pull a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, from beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.
 a u.s. Military truck pulls a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, from the site where it lay buried beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.
 a u.s. Military search team studies a cold war-era mig-25r foxbat b, the fastest combat aircraft today, that was buried beneath the sands in iraq. Several mig-25s and su-25 ground attack jets have been found buried at al-taqqadum air field west of baghdad.
 another example unearthed by us troops from the sand of taouz ab (better known as "al-taqaddum" in the west) was also a mig-25rb, this time serialled 25105. (us army via aviation news)
in some cases the iraqis litterally burried their aircraft in a very crude manner: In no way could anybody expect this poor su-22 to survive a threatement of this kind!. (us dod)

this su-25k also had to first be unearthed for inspection by us troops. Many observers are amazed at the fact that iraqis burried even those aircraft that could have been at least of limited effect in combat against the us-british invasion. (us dod)
above and bellow: Row of mig-23mls of the former no.63 squadron iraf, as found at "qadissiyah" ab, better known in the west as "al-assad" or "al-baghdadi"...
- and, in detail, two ex-iraf mig-23mls, serials 23270 and 23281. (usmc)
the huge tammuz ab (better known as "al-taqaddum" in the west) was found bristling with older iraf aircraft, including a whole row of il-28 bombers (us dod)
sad remnants of the former iriaf f-4e 3-6552, as found by us troops at "tallil" ab. (jeff wilkinson)
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۩۞۩ مع تحيـــــ Ashraf Taha ـــــــاتي۩۞۩
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